How to Make Southern Baked Mac  and Cheese


Super creamy, cheesy, soulful - secrets revealed!

There is only one rule that you need to remember when baking mac and cheese...

Don’t bake it too long otherwise you’ll bake away the sauce leaving you with a dry mixture.

We’ve tried a couple of Mac and Cheese recipes, nothing compares to this one which has a...

smooth silky sauce that permeates every inch of elbow macaroni there is.

You’d fall head over heels with the brimming Southern flavors...

of what this baked mac and cheese has to offer.

This would be delightful at any time. Oh, especially during these cold winter months.

So don’t wait for special occasions to whip up a pan of this.

Heck, you could even make this on the daily.

You can also explore different southern comfort food ideas to prepare every day!

Don’t be scared when using cheese for this recipe.

I used three types of cheeses to grace every noodle of this dish

This cheesy bechamel sauce here is over-the-top! Aside from 1/2 cup of half and half,

I also added a can of evaporated milk to add more creaminess and texture to this mac and cheese.

And another secret I’m adding to this sauce?


Sprinkling 1/2-1 teaspoon of creole seasoning adds dimension to this mac and cheese.

I’m telling you it makes all the difference unless you like bland food.

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